Thursday, June 4, 2020

"Liquid Darkness"

"Liquid Darkness"
Greg Budig 2020

The darkness has 
become liquid.
It smells of wetness.
Deep, fragrant and 
pungent decay. 
All along the shoreline 
the inky water gently 
caresses the sand.

Creaking footsteps 
along the warped 
and faded dock.
Walking lightly on
ancient boards, so many 
summers have passed. 
Reaching the end,
gazing up at the stars.

Peeping frogs in the 
reedy shadows.
Long necked grebes 
creaking calls across 
the flatness of water. 
High above the nighthawk
calls and booms on 
diving sharp wings.

The air seems to 
rise from the water.
Cool and rich with 
aquatic perfumes.
Lilly pads, tadpoles,
sunfish and worms.
The sweetness of the 
earth, the sand, the water.

Arching your neck to gaze 
upon the endless night.
The milky way stretches
beyond your view.
To stare into the heavens 
with the soul of a child.
Look between the stars, 
and you'll see forever. 

Alone in the liquid 
darkness. Sitting at 
the end of the old dock.
The celestial world is above 
you, the aquatic world below.
Breathing the solitude.
The loon remembers to
call out your name. 

"The End"


  1. Your poem takes me back to my home in MN so many years ago! You’ve painted a picture I had forgotten, especially the “loon”, a favorite bird I’ll never see or hear again! Thank you for sharing your gift of poetry!

  2. Thank you Sophie! I am so glad you enjoy my writing.
    Take care!!
