Thursday, October 29, 2020

"What Halloween Is"


"What Halloween Is"
Greg Budig 2020

Black and orange 

is Halloween. 

Colors so 

vibrant and bold.

The color of pumpkins 

and magical cats.  

Of bonfires where 

ghost stories are told.

It's the color of the 

leaves that have fallen 

from the trees left 

scattered all over the ground.

It's in the darkness of the

night, something's hiding

from the light! You can 

feel them all scurry around. 

Groaning and howling 
is Halloween. 
Spooky noises will 
soon fill the air!
The distant call of the 
whoot owl and the moan 
of a ghost! These sounds 
seem to be everywhere!

It's the sound of a spirit 

who won't let you come 

near it.  Calling your name

from the haunted house. 

It's the howling of a cat 

who in the window has 

sat, searching for a 

Halloween mouse. 

Excitement and magic 
is Halloween. 
It's the colors and 
sounds of the season!
To be a vampire or witch, 
or just howl at the moon!!
Do you really need 
a better reason?

All the magic can be 

found without searching 

all around, hear the witches 

kettle gurgle and fizz!

Imagination fills the air!

Pure excitement everywhere!

But then isn't that 

what Halloween is?

The End 


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