Friday, October 30, 2020

"The Halloween Shadows'

"The Halloween Shadows"

By Greg Budig

copyright 2020

"Are there shadows

at night?" a young 

child once asked.

"Oh yes… there 

certainly are!"

Black as coal, deep 

and dark, spreading

near and reaching far.

But on Halloween night

the shadows can be 

something much 

more exciting!

Is that a ghost? 

 Is that a ghoul?"

Who knows what

could be hiding!!

So let's light the 


Let their eerie 

glow fill the air!

Let's search through 

the Halloween shadows

just to see what 

is hiding there!

I can see three ghostly

figures, walking swiftly 

across the street. 

With flowing capes 

and ghoulish smiles,

 leaves crunch 

beneath their feet.

"Who are you?"

"Where are you going?"

"Why do you wander 

through our streets?"

"Can't you see we're 

trick or treating!"

"We're out searching 

for some sweets!!"

Deep inside the spooky 
shadows, something 
slinks behind the trees!! 
What kind of nightmarish 
monster is hiding 
amongst the leaves!!

But soon it is discovered,

how could I have been 

afraid of that?! It was

only Charlie Whiskers…

the neighbor's portly cat!

Halloween shadows

will play tricks on us.

Twisted figures in the

orange pumpkin light.

They seem to dance by 

the windows and 

crawl up the roof! 

What kind of madness 

are we seeing tonight!!

But the madness 

is all an illusion. 

Like a magician,

it tricks and deceives. 

The figures are 

just twisted branches.

The shadows from 

the now leafless trees. 

All through the solemn 

graveyard, where on 

Halloween one 

should never go!

Are the shadows that 

are always changing,

forever moving in 

the moon's ghostly glow.

Amongst the aging 

headstones, all lined 

up in stately rows.

The shadows appear 

like swaying ghosts,

all depending on 

where the wind blows. 

All through the mystery 

of Halloween night, 

the shadows make

you wonder what's real. 

The visions in your 

Halloween mind are 

usually worse than 

what the shadows reveal. 

Halloween is a night to 

feel afraid, to be amazed

 and feel suddenly alive!

The shadows let your

imagination run wild!

They let the magic of

childhood survive.

So go out into the 

Halloween shadows. 

Let them invite you to 

 the wild celebration!!

Because the magic of 

the Halloween shadows,

is the magic of your

own imagination!!


Thursday, October 29, 2020



Greg Budig 2020

There are no such things 

as monsters, I guess 

that should be said.

Because the only real 

monsters are the ones 

inside your head. 


So there are no giant 

spiders that are crawling

across the floor. 

And there is no bearded 

monkey hanging on 

your closet door!

The noises that you 

hear at night aren't 

creatures in the wall. 

It's just the furnace 

starting up, or your cat

running down the hall. 

But you say there is a

monster! A monster 

that you dread!

The one that keeps 

you up all night and 

lives beneath your bed!

So if you got your 
nerve up and took a 
look down there. 
You just might find a 
pair of socks, or your 
brothers underwear!!

No monsters in 

the hallway. No 

monsters I can see. 

No monsters underneath 

your bed, this house 

is monster free!!

No use to look for 

Frankenstein, or the 

mummy in his tomb. 

It's just the monster movie

posters that are plastered

around your room!

So I guess there are 

no monsters. That 

much I know is true. 

Because the only 

monsters I know of are 

the ones inside of you!

The End 

"What Halloween Is"


"What Halloween Is"
Greg Budig 2020

Black and orange 

is Halloween. 

Colors so 

vibrant and bold.

The color of pumpkins 

and magical cats.  

Of bonfires where 

ghost stories are told.

It's the color of the 

leaves that have fallen 

from the trees left 

scattered all over the ground.

It's in the darkness of the

night, something's hiding

from the light! You can 

feel them all scurry around. 

Groaning and howling 
is Halloween. 
Spooky noises will 
soon fill the air!
The distant call of the 
whoot owl and the moan 
of a ghost! These sounds 
seem to be everywhere!

It's the sound of a spirit 

who won't let you come 

near it.  Calling your name

from the haunted house. 

It's the howling of a cat 

who in the window has 

sat, searching for a 

Halloween mouse. 

Excitement and magic 
is Halloween. 
It's the colors and 
sounds of the season!
To be a vampire or witch, 
or just howl at the moon!!
Do you really need 
a better reason?

All the magic can be 

found without searching 

all around, hear the witches 

kettle gurgle and fizz!

Imagination fills the air!

Pure excitement everywhere!

But then isn't that 

what Halloween is?

The End 


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

"A Halloween Dream"

"A Halloween Dream"

Greg Budig 2020

The Halloween moon 

rose full and fat.

A spectral orb of 

sinister light.

Glowing pale orange 

between the black 

gnarled branches. 

The trees claw and

reach into the night. 

It is said the thin veil 

between the two worlds

is weakest for those

who want to believe. 

A door left wide

open between 

heaven and earth. 

To come alive again 

on All Hallows Eve!!

Now imagine if you can

that lost spirits came 

to rest outside on your

Halloween display!!

Oh the magic that 

could happen if you 

only made it real!

Close your eyes and 

let your mind play!

Imagine the glow of 

candlelight as all the 

 Jack O Lanterns 

burst back into flame!

The radiant orange of 

the flickering lights 

starts to glow 

through each 

clear windowpane!

A chorus of skeletons 

spring from the air!

Dry bones rattle as they 

dance and they sway.

High above sheeted 

ghosts swirl between the 

bare twisted branches.

They moan and they 

laugh on their way. 

Squadrons of bats erupt 

from each chimney!

They circle and dive 

through the air.

Cackling witches 

soar past on their 


Pointed hats and 

long capes 


Werewolves and goblins 

and monsters abound! 

They dance wildly 

beneath the pale 

Halloween moon. 

A fantasy of horror!

Imagination set free!

Why did the morning 

have to come so soon. 

The soft glowing 

horizon of dawn soon 

appeared, the spirits 

had no place to hide. 

They wearily flew off as 

their night came to an end. 

The dream was over 

as the last candle 

flickered and died.

The End 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

"All Hallows Eve"

 "All Hallows Eve"

Greg Budig 2020

The sun is slowly 

setting. Through

twisted branches it's

an ominous sight. 

The sky is fading

from orange to red.

Dissolving into the 

purple, black night. 

Little creatures run 

from house to house 

underneath their 

parents care. 

Collecting treats 

before the sun goes

down, before the 

real creatures appear!

Pumpkins are lit 

on each doorstep

as the streetlights 

cast their strange glow. 

The atmosphere is

alive with Halloween 

light and shadows

mysterious and low.

 The wind picks up 

as the bright full 

moon rises slowly 

on this haunted scene. 

The howl of a cat,

the whoot of an owl,

and all the craziness 

that goes on in between. 

Somewhere witches are 

flying while goblins 

play tricks.  From graves 

lost spirits will leave. 

Sit close to the bonfire, 

 keep your eyes open wide!

It can get crazy on 

All Hallows Eve!!

The End