Saturday, September 19, 2020

"The Struggle for Words "

"The Struggle for Words "
Greg Budig 2020

Sometimes the words

struggle to be found. 

Inspiration has gone 

somewhere else.

Only seeing letters 

on an empty page. 

The voice isn't 

speaking inside. 

The somber autumn 

morning crawls at a slow 

poetic pace before me. 

But inspiration comes 

 clumsily these days. 

The voice doesn't 

reciting the words 

I want to hear. 

Life's business has 

clouded my mind. 

Distractions all around. 

Attention wavers. 

Concentration faulted. 

Unable to think. 

I struggle with 

the words. 

Writing is an exercise. 

Creating something 

from what is nothingness. 

Pondering a blade of grass,

the smell of autumn leaves,

the way the sun feels 

on my age worn face. 

Expressions of life. 

I remember what it means 

to write.  I am not about 

to just give up. 

Feeling is a way of life. 

Expression is the key. 

Suddenly warmth from 

the sun has touched me. 

I can feel each blade of grass.

The struggle for words 

still haunts me. 

My mind has been 

slowly awakened. 

Time heals all wounds 

I have heard. 

Time to slow down 

and listen. 

The End 

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