Thursday, February 3, 2022

"Theatre Surreal"

 "Theatre Surreal"

    Greg Budig 2022

Raising the curtains on

An illusionist vision. 

Bizarrely walking on 

The celestial sphere. 

The audience stirs

In the cheap seats. 

Pointed curved antlers 

Emerge slowly from 

The darkness.

Curtains tremble as

Madame Gizelda 

Takes the stage.

Her captivating 

Presence has raised 

Such a fervor.

The matinee 

Crowd erupts 

Into song. 

Mystical chariots race 

Across the backdrop. 

Magnificent jellyfish 

Sail through the 

Nautical dream.

Who said 

Live theater 

Was dead?

      The End

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