Saturday, February 19, 2022

Ground Blizzard


Ground Blizzard 

The ground slides 

Out from beneath you.

The sky is endlessly blue.

The earth is a frozen haze.

Driving across a moving 

Landscape on asphalt and ice. 

The yellow line blurs, you 

Feel disoriented, confused. 

The north wind is relentless.

Angry gusts ravage the treeless 

Prairie leaving it breathless. 

The atmosphere has frozen. 

Even the sun wears an icy halo.

Ditches fill as the road 


Last Conversation

 Last Conversation

I struggle 

To remember the 

Last time that we spoke

You were dying 

And in a way 

So was I.


Become trivial once 

We begin to grow old.

We thought we knew 

All we needed 

To know.

I tried to speak 

In the room before 

They gave you last rites.

But the medication 

Had already taken 

Its toll.

As I drove 

You from the hospital  

For the very last time,

All you could say 

Was that you wanted 

To go home.

I'm angry that 

We never really 

Said our last words.

We were like strangers 

Waiting for the last 

Bus to leave.

I was holding 

Your hand as you 

Peacefully left. You

Kept saying that you

Needed to go.

I guess I loved you 

Too much to say 


Friday, February 11, 2022




Frozen surfaces stretch across 

Vast winter landscapes. 

Meandering clumps of cattails 

Reveal the hidden banks 

Through the snow. 

Buried below the 

Lifeless tundra, the 

Full weight of winter 

Settles like a tomb.

The river valley sleeps 

In stillness and quiet.

January still lingers 

Outside February's 

Back door.

Hidden from view, 

You begin to wonder 

If it even exists. 

But the river still 

Flows freely 

Beneath it all. 

Surging around stones, 

Racing to the southern gulf.

Life continues beneath the 

Unbroken ice shell. 

You may not often see it, 

But the river is 

Still there. 

Monday, February 7, 2022



Greg Budig 2022

Somber is the day not yet started,

But is almost over. You can 

Taste the melancholy 

In everything. 

Weariness doesn't always come 

From running the race, 

It can be from just 

Waiting to start. 

This wasn't intentional. This 

Wasn't the plan. This 

Just doesn't seem 

Real anymore. 

"Now I Drink Tea"

 "Now I Drink Tea"

            Greg Budig 2022

It wasn't a favorite…

Boxes of green tea found 

Abandoned in a cluttered spice 

Cabinet in the kitchen. 

I can't throw anything away.

It tasted like grass…  

But I am mulish.  

My cup runneth over with

Germanic pride. 

Scalding water drowns the 

Little paper bags.  

Feeling genteel, 

Burning my lips

I persisted. 

I now drink tea.

Sunday, February 6, 2022




  Greg Budig 2022

The days slowly lengthen.

Unannounced and unnoticed.  

But the bullfrogs and 

The garter snakes know.

Field mice waiting in 

Underground dens and 

Inside the garage 

Are aware. 

Majestic maples and 

Weathered twisted oaks can 

Feel their sap begin 

To move.

Shadows begin stretching across 

The ice crusted snow fields. 

Days keep getting longer. 

The earth shifts on its axis. 

The days slowly lengthen. 


"The Fire"


"The Fire"

Greg Budig 2022

Safe within the circle of 

The sacred winter fire. 

Holding back 

The darkness to 

Keep us in the light.

Eyes reflect the 

Passing of time. 

How long 

Have you been 

Beside the fire?

Holding back 

The darkness to 

Keep us in the light.

Frozen faces appear 

Ghostly outside the 

Fires circle. Seeking 

Refuge from the demons 

living in the darkness. 

Saturday, February 5, 2022




Greg Budig 2022

The gray of the sky reflected 

The color of the snow. 

It was somber, dull,


Houses sat quietly and talked 

To the empty, naked trees. 

"How was your day?"


Every day can't be memorable. 

Some need to be ordinary. 

Most days are usually 


Friday, February 4, 2022

"The Disease"


"The Disease"

Greg Budig 2022

The skeleton maples stood in line

Along the frozen 


They had replaced the mighty elms

Who died in a


No one ever considered blaming 

The Dutch people for the 


There was no reason...

Thursday, February 3, 2022

"Evening Comes"


"Evening Comes"

Slow muted colors wash the horizon. 

Faded veils mixing day and night. 




I am transfixed by the subtle grace 

Of nature's constant passing. 

This is nothing unusual.

This is real life.

Nothing remarkable...

But very grand. 

"Theatre Surreal"

 "Theatre Surreal"

    Greg Budig 2022

Raising the curtains on

An illusionist vision. 

Bizarrely walking on 

The celestial sphere. 

The audience stirs

In the cheap seats. 

Pointed curved antlers 

Emerge slowly from 

The darkness.

Curtains tremble as

Madame Gizelda 

Takes the stage.

Her captivating 

Presence has raised 

Such a fervor.

The matinee 

Crowd erupts 

Into song. 

Mystical chariots race 

Across the backdrop. 

Magnificent jellyfish 

Sail through the 

Nautical dream.

Who said 

Live theater 

Was dead?

      The End

"Hitchcock's Vision"

 "Hitchcock's Vision"

Greg Budig 2022




Blurred wings

disrupt the 

solitude of 

the canal's 


still air.

Inside my 

mind fidgets.



haunts me.

The crashing 

waves stir

my anxiety 

Avian chaos 

surrounds me. 

My eyes are 



and pecking. 

High above. 



Wing tips and 

feathers all in 

constant motion.

The tide shifts. 

The squadrons 

of seagulls have 

all finally 



The End. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2022




I am guilty of nothing. 

Of doing nothing.

Of being nothing.

Spending years 

Being ambitious for 

Ambitions sake is 

Sometimes hard to 


Lately I haven't 

Had anyone to impress or 

Nowhere really to be. 

That can be 

Considered wrong 

I suppose.

Purpose is decided 

By outside forces.

Something I would 

Consider as

Not me.

Following rules 

For so many years.

I need to follow 


I'm probably 


But for today 

I really do 

