Thursday, January 13, 2022

"Winter Night Sounds"

"Winter Night Sounds"

Greg Budig 2022

The furnace clicks, 

ignition is made. 

Rumbling in the 

distant corner 

of the basement. 

Building up heat. 

The rush of warm 

air now travels 

through the house.

Ticking clocks in 

every room. 

Rhythmic, steady, 

a hypnotic pace.

Compressors buzz. 

Refrigerators shudder.

Ice cubes fall into place.

Somewhere a tired 

faucet drips.

Through winter tight 

windows a train 

whistle calls. 

Far away and 

lonesome on this 

January night. 

A siren calls slowly 

as it cracks the 

frozen thin air. 

Well below zero 

the frigid air makes 

the rafters settle.

Popping nails cause 

the house to boom!

The cat begins to stir.

The furnace continues 

humming as you fall 

back into dreams. 

The End 

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