Sunday, August 9, 2020

"It's Not the Heat"


Greg Budig 2020

Oppressively thick. 

Bath water air. 

A blanket of moisture

on a mid August day. 

The atmosphere 

is drenched. 

A tropical 


Darkness has fallen. 

Windows open wide. 

Nothing moves. 

Stagnant surroundings. 

The fan hums softly in

an oscillating rhythm. 

Moving the air with 

endless white noise. 

Before the days of 

cool conditioned air. 

Growing up inside 

a house of many 

different fans. 

Considered a luxury,

an unnecessary thing. 

You learned to cope. 

Maybe a better 

tolerance was needed 

way back when. 

Seemed we all 

suffered together in 

the moist aquatic air.

We had longer fuses. 

We all had to adapt. 

A guarantee of summer. 

The dog days they 

are often times called. 

A time for teenage 

fantasies of seeing 

"them" at the lake. 

Maybe only memories,

 it still messes with my hair. 

The End 

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