Greg Budig 2020
The world evolves and
changes, like the
view outside my window.
Hour into hour. Day by day.
Month after month.
Seasons pass as the earth
revolves through the
view outside my window.
Night is shadows. Leaves
silhouette in the moonlight.
They dance beneath
the sterile streetlights.
The bare branches of winter,
black skeleton bones,
twist in patterns against
the snow and night sky.
A morning chorus of
springtime birds erupts
in the early faint dawn.
Through my window I
hear them, fluted voices
so clear, they sing to the
horizons first light. Outside
my window they call.
In summer the view is
a collection of green.
Shades of yellow and
blue. A kaleidoscope of
chlorophyll, movements
of shade and sunlight.
Constantly changing on
pure gold. Red and bronze
against the brilliance of
blue. A sky so deep, so clear,
so exquisite. The open drapes
flutter on the dry fragrant
air. It smells sweetly of
dried leaves and smoke.
I see all the neighbors,
admiring their landscapes,
discussing the urgent
news of the world.
The mail carriers arrival,
announced by yapping
small hounds, it is
always the same every day.
Through my window is color.
Through my window is life.
Through my window I see
the world moving by.
Framed by soft curtains,
Beyond the glass and dark
screens, the view outside my
window is mine.
The End
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