Wednesday, July 29, 2020

"Walking "

"Walking "
Greg Budig 2020

Stepping out the door,
always a good start. 
Letting your feet lead 
you forward on a 
journey around the 
block, or maybe the 
edge of town, even 
further if you desire. 

To have strong, young 
legs again, striding 
easily without care. 
Each step takes you 
closer to your 
undetermined goal. 
The simple act of walking, 
truly an amazing thing. 

Gently strolling around 
the flower park.  
Marching briskly through 
the bustling downtown.  
Upon a lonely, gravel 
prairie road at sunset. 
The air is sweet with fresh 
cut hay and wildflowers. 

Walking gently on a 
winter's night. Beneath 
crystal wings of snow. 
The lights of Christmas 
scattered here and there.
You walk amongst the 
spectacle wide eyed. 
A child reborn. 

Summer evenings,  
the appointed time when 
 walkers take their steps. 
 Families with strollers, 
young people with dogs,
lovers walking hand in hand. 
Down the street, around the 
block, a familiar routine.  

Traveling across the land.
Great distances 
without care.  
Setting out to clear your 
head. Forgetting about 
a sense of time. 
Moving further away 
from what's inside. 

Feel your feet upon the 
ground, gracefully striding 
through time and space. 
Moving forward at a 
steady gate, covering 
miles along the way. 
Walking to an internal clock,
walking until you are home. 

The End 

Monday, July 27, 2020

"Sacred Evening "

"Sacred Evening "
Greg Budig 2020

The appointed hour.
Lengthening shadows 
signal the arrival 
of twilight. 
Summers are so brief 
here in the north. 
A perfect evening is sacred. 

Above is the sky. 
A cathedral of blue.
The atmosphere radiates 
with a deep cerulean hue. 
Like the piercing eyes 
of a nordic child. 
The sky deepens as the 
sun slowly falls. 

The air itself is 
almost edible. 
Perfumed with freshness 
and summertime. 
The essence of chlorophyll,
of freshly mowed lawns. 
Of potted geraniums and 
charcoal fired grills. 

The trees are full. 
Massive green heads
of velvet thick leaves. 
They softly dance 
nature's waltz.
Trunks in deep shadows.
High above leaves ablaze. 
Catching the sun's last light. 

Your mind is deep 
in reflection.
Immersed in the 
evenings quiet prayer. 
The soul of nature 
caresses you. 
Making you complete. 
Making you whole. 

This time is truly sacred. 
A peaceful and holy state. 
Transcending the 
bonds of religion. 
This is what truly 
inspires your soul. 
Your sins are cleansed. 
The Gospel is sung by birds. 

The End 

Sunday, July 26, 2020

"Stages "

"Stages "
Greg Budig 2020

Some things take time. 
It's a slow progression. 
Trying to make sense. 
Trying to remember. 
Trying to forget. 
Trying to see. 
I'm trying. 

Where you are in the 
The starting place of the 
When will you get to the 
Will you ever reach the end?

You are born. 
You grow up. 
You reach adulthood. 
You realize truths. 
You realize falsehoods.
You grow older. 
You die.

A natural progression. 
Or so we are told. 
Following a 
deliberate path. 
Or wandering aimlessly 
through life. 
Reaching each milestone. 

It is said there are 
five stages. 
In the studies of 
Kubler- Ross.
From anger to acceptance. 
Bargaining, depression 
and denial. 
These are stages. 

The passing of the 
The journey from 
birth to death. 
The evolution of the 
human race. 
They are all merely 

The End 

Sunday, July 19, 2020

"Holding Hands"

"Holding Hands "
Greg Budig 2020

A simple act. 
A basic need. 
A sacred trust. 
A lasting connection.
A symbol of friendship. 
A lover's desire. 
An ancient longing. 
Holding hands. 

A newborn's grip
 around your finger. 
A connection made
 deep in the heart. 
 Mother and child, 
 bonded through life. 
Across the miles they 
are still holding hands. 

The first sign of 
a new friendship. 
Young children on 
 playgrounds at school. 
The first sign of 
a new sweetheart. 
Sweaty palms as this 
all seems so new. 

The human touch. 
Still searching. 
A need for acceptance. 
Wanting to belong. 
Two hands reaching 
out in the darkness. 
Feeling reassured. 
squeezing your hand. 

Children hold hands
in innocence and trust. 
Hands are held in the 
reverence of prayer. 
Hands held in a circle
of spiritual renewal. 
The celebration of life 
is in our hands. 

Holding hands is a 
sign of attraction.
Holding hands in 
the passion of love. 
Holding hands as we 
walked slowly together. 
Holding hands as you 
quietly let go. 

The End 

Thursday, July 16, 2020

"The View Outside my Window "

"The View Outside 
My Window"
Greg Budig 2020

The world evolves and 
changes, like the 
view outside my window. 
Hour into hour. Day by day. 
Month after month. 
Seasons pass as the earth 
revolves through the 
view outside my window. 

Night is shadows. Leaves 
silhouette in the moonlight.  
They dance beneath 
the sterile streetlights. 
The bare branches of winter,
black skeleton bones,
twist in patterns against 
the snow and night sky. 

A morning chorus of 
springtime birds erupts 
in the early faint dawn. 
Through my window I 
hear them, fluted voices 
so clear, they sing to the 
horizons first light. Outside
my window they call.

In summer the view is 
a collection of green. 
Shades of yellow and 
blue. A kaleidoscope of 
chlorophyll, movements
of shade and sunlight. 
Constantly changing on 
the warm summer breeze.

Autumns pallet is rich in 
pure gold.  Red and bronze 
against the brilliance of 
blue.  A sky so deep, so clear,
so exquisite. The open drapes 
flutter on the dry fragrant 
air. It smells sweetly of 
dried leaves and smoke.

I  see all the neighbors,
 admiring their landscapes, 
discussing the urgent 
news of the world. 
The mail carriers arrival, 
announced by yapping 
small hounds, it is 
always the same every day.

Through my window is color.  
Through my window is life.  
Through my window I see 
the world moving by. 
Framed by soft curtains,
Beyond the glass and dark 
screens, the view outside my 
 window is mine. 

The End