Friday, January 10, 2020

"At the End of the Day " The forgotten book

I had such high hopes for this book!! It was written in a very simple and melodic manner that would appeal to a wide range of listeners and readers. I focused on creating vivid and deeply colored illustrations that captured the light and shadows of that magical time before sunset at the end of a perfect summer's day.

"I listen to the silence at the end of the day. The sounds of the world have all scattered away and soon darkness will set as the lone robin sings, he sings at the end of the day. "

A nice start I thought. The publisher liked the idea as well. He had mentioned that since I had done an autumn based book "I Hear the Wind " and a winter story, "Still ",  he thought a summer book would be in order...maybe even a spring book as well!!
Well... you know I jumped all over that idea!! "I've got just what you're looking for mister publisher man!!" I exclaimed!! Well I never really actually said it... but I knew what story I needed to bring forward. I was excited to get started and looked forward to working with a new editor.  My hopes were high! Well that soon
went sour.  My first editor was Mr.Craig Thorn. Craig unfortunately passed away from cancer months before my first book was released. Craig made me a writer.  He took my text and made it better without taking away my voice. He understood what I was trying to say in this story and helped me take it to a higher level. This did not happen with "At the End of the Day
To say that the editor I was given for this book "just didn't get it " would be an understatement.  I wrote this story in a certain format where key phrases would be repeated within each sentence. It was a deliberate effort to create a rhythm, a cadence... but she just didn't understand.  I became frustrated with the whole process. Eventually after awhile she gave up trying to convince me to change the entire feel of the book and just responded to my defiant emails with the response of... "Fine!!" I guess I had won a futile battle, but ended up feeling I had lost the war.

And so that is the sad story of this poor little book.  What started with such excitement and anticipation ended with me feeling rather frustrated and lost.  My benevolent publisher Mr. Ernest Peter passed away not long after the book was released. He was my champion. Soon Stemmer House Publishing decided to stop publishing new books.  "At the End of the Day " never received any glowing reviews and was never really promoted. It pretty much died a lonely death.  I personally gave up. I felt a bit exhausted...I needed to regroup.  So that seems to be what I have been doing for the last couple years, trying to get back the excitement and passion I once had. I also became lazy in a way.  But now I need to crawl back into the process of getting busy again.  I need to feel excited about writing again.  I need to get back to where I once was. 

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