Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2020 - A New Beginning

So here we are.  A new year...a new decade.  What changes will be made this year? What part of your life will you try to reclaim? I for one am at a crossroads of sorts.  Same crossroad I've been stuck at for the past few years.

I once had high hopes of becoming an established writer and illustrator.  I did have a certain amount of success, having three children's books published by a small east coast publisher, but that was then and this is now.

That publisher has since gone under and stopped selling or producing my work. I feel that part of my life has also disappeared as well.

So now is the time for new beginnings.  Maybe it's time to get back to something that has been a part of me for years.
Maybe it's time to start again.

Getting back into this blog thing is maybe a start.  I'm actually composing this from my new smart about finally getting with it!! I 'm damn near a millennial!!
"Ok Boomer!!"

So here we are. Making all those resolutions.  It's feeling like the end, the end of December. And the new year, is almost here. Here's to the new decade, here's to new beginnings.


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