Wednesday, July 21, 2021

"Story of Life "

"Story of Life "
Greg Budig 2021

Friendships are like time capsules. 

Some very old, some very new. 

Reflections of all that we have seen. 

Some are false, some are true. 

Experience has aged us. 

Sometimes good, sometimes bad. 

Friendships leave their mark on us. 

Think of all the friends we've had.


Such is the story of life. 

A story of all we've seen. 

Through all the good 

and all the bad. 

All that was and 

might have been. 

The teenage years of being dumb. 

Of learning as we go. 

Of struggling with who we are. 

Good friends would let you know. 

Becoming adults with all our faults.

We stumble while persisting. 

Making so many damn mistakes. 

Too many to bother listing. 


Such is the story of life. 

A story of all we've seen. 

Through all the good 

and all the bad. 

All that was and 

might have been.

Age has made us wiser, we hope. 

Friendships keep us connected. 

Looking back at all that's passed. 

Was it everything we expected?

So drink a glass of something strong. 

Remembering all we befriended. 

Cheers to all who have left us.

We wished it had never ended. 


Such is the story of my life. 

A story of all we've seen. 

Through all the good 

and all the bad. 

All that was and 

might have been.

Such is the story of my life. 

A story of all we've seen. 

Through all the good 

and all the bad. 

All that was and 

might have been.

The End. 

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