Friday, July 9, 2021

"Nothing Moves"

"Nothing Moves"

Greg Budig 2021

Suspended in my cocoon.

Waiting for something. 

I am not a tired 

metaphor of a 

butterfly in rebirth.

I am more like a moth

searching for the light. 

There are days spent in 

hiding when nothing 

moves.  Being stuck 

between wanting and not 

wanting to stir. Sometimes 

words are pathetic, 

but need to be said. 

Strange, but I'm not 

looking for pity, though 

that's how it seems. 

I'm just silently sifting 

through where I have been. 

Words can be healing 

when honestly said. 

Think about life as 

it scurries in passing. 

Cherish every second 

that clicks from each day. 

I have learned that life's

fleeting, so painfully true.

Remember this when 

nothing moves. 

The End 

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