Friday, January 1, 2021

"Free Verse Variations"


"Free Verse Variations"
Greg Budig 2021

Leaded eyelids.

Heavy with sand. 

Forget about the 

garbage,  it can wait 

until next week. 

Putting things off is a 

major accomplishment,

so is opening your eyes. 

Emotionally spent. 

Holidays have passed. 

Reality sinks in like the 

frozen chilled fingers 

of January's grip. All is 

not lost.  It takes time 

to shed the joyful 

clothing of December.

Greeting the new year 

with the scepticism 

of an old farmer. 

Not quite sure if it's 

any better but willing 

to say "I told you so."

in the end. Years of 

despair I suppose. 

I live in the quiet

reflection that life 

leaves for dreamers. 

Many years spent in

ambitious endeavors. 

Sitting back now I think, 

what have I been doing 

all these years?

Beginning to wonder

where this is all going?

Words represent the

thoughts circling aimlessly

in your crowded mind. 

It makes you think...

"What the hell 

am I saying?"

Writing without 

purpose.  Thinking 

without knowing. 

Trying to fill the 

pages of a brand 

new empty year.

Wondering if there 

really is a difference. 

The End 

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