Tuesday, December 29, 2020

"This Year"


"This Year"
Greg Budig 2020

Every year is a constant

change of usually 

nothing much at all. 

We get older, gain a 

few more pounds,

get a little grayer 

around the ears.

Life goes on. 

We make resolutions 

we never keep, but 

at least we sometimes 

 try. Always looking to 

change our lives as we

steadily move through life

Like high thin clouds 

on a summer day. 

But the clouds grew 

thick and black this 

year in unsettled 

and violent ways. 

The world lived in the

shadows of a quick 

and deadly fog. We hid 

from the outside world. 

The fabric of our daily 

lives was ripped from 

beneath our clumsy feet. 

We became prisoners 

and enemies in an 

unseen war that had 

festered deep in this 

country for years. 

In the midst of all this anguish,

I lost my one true love.

It seemed everyone 

was losing hope in this 

dark and hateful year.  

I closed my eyes the best 

I could and finally 

learned how to cry.

Days and weeks 

blurred into months 

of hiding from the 

constant rage. 

Angry politicians 

scorned each other.

Divided we all fell. 

Truth became a martyr. 

November came as 

anticipated. Little red

stickers popped up on 

our lapels. There were

winners and deniers, 

my faith was destroyed,

as my mother sadly 

faded from this earth. 

It seems we all have 

lost so much, it's hard 

to assess all the pain. 

It is said we're never 

given more than we 

can handle, but I don't 

know how much of 

that is really true. 

As we raise our glasses 

to all we've lost this 

year,we soon realize 

how full our glasses 

have become. 

Let us say a toast 

to a better world and 

raise a glass for a 

Happy New Year. 

The End 

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