Sunday, November 1, 2020

"Forty Five"


"Forty Five"
Greg Budig 2020

A lying thief 

with a twisted 

grin that contorts 

his copper toned face. 

Never smiling as most 

humans do, except to 

mock, disrespect or defame. 

Is this who represents you? 

I never wanted him here. 

Bumbling charlatan. 

The greatest scam. 

A false prophet who 

leads the morally blind.

Promising greatness that 

already exists. He calls you

losers, suckers and fools. 

Is this who represents you?

I never wanted him here. 

Grotesque and lazy.  

Who wants all the glory.

Doing absolutely nothing

at all.  The greatest, the

smartest, he knows all the

best words. Staring directly

into an eclipse of the sun. 

Is this who represents you?

I never wanted him here. 

A cartoon dictator. 

A pompous great ass.

A racist, a sexist, a denier 

of truth. A stable genius.

A hugger of flags. Incoherent

rambling. "I like people

who weren't captured!"

Is this who represents you?

I never wanted him here. 

He is corrupted. 

He is dishonest. 

Compassion for none. 

Broken commandments. 

The bible is a prop. 

Get the best camera angle. 

Not a person, just a brand. 

Is this who represents you?

I never wanted him here. 

The ugly American. 

Making it great again. 

Making us hate again. 

Making us white again. 

A sanitized vision of a 

sterilized country where a

sucker is born every minute. 

Is this who represents you?

I never wanted him here. 

The End 


  1. I totally concur. May we one day recover from this abomination to humanity.

  2. I was reading an article listing Trump's top 100 cringeworthy moments.
    I started writing this and couldn't stop!
    The number 1 most cringeworthy moment was... "He stared into a God damned eclipse!!!" That got me going!

  3. Feel free to follow and comment on my blog. I need followers!😁😁
