Sunday, May 24, 2020


A field of green,
clipped and groomed,
rolls across the landscape.
Stark white markers,
named with the fallen,
lie in perfect rows 
to the horizon.

Little flags salute them,
tucked neatly in the soil.
They flutter on the 
lilac scented breeze.
Scattered flowers and 
scattered people roaming 
amongst the stones.

The silence is overwhelming.
Everything muffled on 
this solemn land.
A place of peace for 
those sacrificed in battle.
A place of rest for 
those ravaged by war.

I can almost see them,
faces too young, 
heading so far away.
Generations all represented.
Different reasons why 
they all had to die.

The ceremonies have started.
The traditions of 
old soldiers and wreaths.
Comrades in arms will gather.
They come together each year
to hear the bugle in the 
distance and to cry.

The End 

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