Thursday, July 28, 2022

Collected Poems


Crickets in the Field 

Deep inside the fragrance 

    of summer warmed 

           prairie wildflowers 

                             lies a quiet 

                pulsating voice.

Beneath the blazing star 

               and the prairie smoke. 

Amongst the floodman's thistle 

               and the blanket flower. 

Huddled next to lead plants, 

         crawling through the sage.

It's voice is nestled beside 

                  the honey bees hum. 

A part of the music of 

                          the vast 

                                 open plains. 

The constant rhythm of 

               an ancient song

                       that was written 

                            on the prairie wind.

Sometimes they are forgotten,

                  but they are always there. 

Feel the Sun 

I close my eyes to all I have seen. 

      To all that I know. 

             To all that I will ever see.

I close my eyes to 

       feel the sun gently 

                          shine on my face. 

Leaning back in my chair. 

        Feel it tingle against 

                       my time worn skin. 

It traces each line that I've 

       grown through life. 

            Every smile and every tear. 

It filters to my eyes 

       in colors of orange and red. 

                 Breezes caress my brow.

I am at peace 

         as I listen to birdsong. 

                   I let the sun gently 

                            shine on my face. 

Tomorrow's Rain 

Rolling flatness expands 

Beyond our view. 

Sprawling expanses 

                 of level ground.

Glacial stones 

       are scattered like 


               left along the way.

Miles of tall grasses once 

     raced to the horizon 

           in search of 

               tomorrow's rain. 

Grasses and roots 

            kept everything 


Breaking the sod was 

             the beginning of 

                                 the end.

But there still are 

        scattered pieces of the 

                unbroken prairie left. 

Forgotten fragments left 

     unremembered beneath 

               the sacred unending sky. 

They smell of sweet grasses, 

                honey flowers and 

                                  summer days. 

They all resound with crickets, 

                the sigh of the wind and 



Mornings Twilight 

Morning before the sunrise. 

                  Drenched in lilac 

                         and wet grass.

Late spring trees pulse 

                with the promise of

                       new beginnings.

They are softly silhouetted 

        against the blue and grey 

                               muted sky.

The day is still emerging with

           the choir of robins and 

                the chatter of wrens.

The stillness of the morning 

                     twilight infuses 

                      the atmosphere.

But words are futile and 

                             lacking in 


The Unreachable Horizon 

The sky expands into 

                the openness of an 

                              unreachable horizon. 

The color of the atmosphere 

                                     is cerulean blue.

It fades into the softness 

                               of distance and time.

It holds the vast prairie 

                                 down into flatness.

It's massive abundance 

                                   is all you can see. 

Some places are defined 

                        by mountains and forests. 

Mammoth steel buildings 

                        block the light of the sun.

Here the unbroken sky 

                     looms above like an ocean. 

It will swallow up those 

                              who are unable to fly. 

Futile words describe it.

                  Something you feel 

                            more than you can see. 

People of the prairie 

              are easy to find…

                     their eyes are always 

                                        looking up

                                                 to the sky. 

May Days 

The open window breathes 

the cool, lilac scented 

breezes into my 



It's pungent smell lingers 

sweetly inside me 

as it awakens 



Yellow dandelions gather 

across the fields 

where children 

would often 


Their long ago, gleeful 

laughter about when 

mama's baby 

lost her 


Bitter stalks of rhubarb 

being dunked 

into sticky 



Found growing along 

the alley behind 

old neighbors 



A Morning in June 

Layers of gray swirl into 

Billowing white below 

The blue and troubled sky. 

The atmosphere boils,

Unsettled and heavy. 

Clouds thicken and rise. 

Moisture is everywhere. 

Saturating every breath 

It begins to expand. 

The morning stirs 

On a slow moving breeze. 

A murder of crows gathers near.

The sky has turned dark. 

Feeling unstable 

And ready for rain. 


The summer day mellows 

Into evening. 

It's colors ripening into 

Shades of orange, 

Purple and 


Soon the darkness splits 

Into whistling sparks 

Of fragmented colors.

Followed by an echoing 



Sulphur scented sunsets 

Erupt in early July. 

Boxes of Chinese 

Artillery appear in 

My neighbors 


The air begins to crackle 

As rockets twist 

And scream.

The sky reaches 

A crescendo of 

Red, white and blue. 

Pieces of Summer 

The last sliver of light barely rests below

The horizon. 

Summer's twilight 

Lingers silently to the west. 

Day is done. 

The loons call out their haunted song. 

Nighthawks twist amongst 

The mosquitoes and stars.

Voices are hushed,

Day is done. 





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