Friday, September 10, 2021

"Flight of the Swans"

"Flight of the Swans"
Greg Budig 2021

Alistair sits on a

lonely bare hillside.

He's surrounded by

the shadows of his

 black and gray world. 

He thinks about adventure,

but he often feels afraid.

He stares into the darkness

and the darkness stares back. 

He wasn't always

like this... then he

began his doubts.

Maybe life wasn't as

simple as it seemed?

Grounded by insecurities,

afraid to spread his wings,

he could feel himself

being slowly left behind.

He felt stranded on an

island of his own creation.

Alone in a world where

nothing will ever change. 

A life of farm chores

and going to school.  

Of learning about places

that he will never see. 

Each day he travels
down the worn,
gravel farm roads.

 Kicking up stones as he

trudged his way home.

Another day stuck

in the lonely brick

schoolhouse. Another 

day of staring at the 

clock on the wall. 

Surrounded by frustration.
Alone in his daydreams.

He wonders about life

and all there is to see. 

His father once told him,

"You never know where

life will take you.

So just keep your eyes open

and be ready for it to change. "

And then one
night after dinner
was over, he went 

for a walk through 

the low rolling hills.

He climbs to the top 

of the highest dark hillside

and stares into the distance 

as far as he could see.

When high up above
him came a sound
that was ancient. 

Like the haunting cries 

of a lost warrior tribe. 

Voices of spirits that rode 

the north jetstream. 

From far away places 

that he had never seen. 

The call of the swans 

drifts high from the distance. 

It was mournful and longing.

It was wild, it was free.

Above him they
appeare like ghosts
through the darkness.
There are hundreds 
and thousands of white 

outstretched wings!

Their trumpeting song
lit a flame deep inside him!!
He raised up his eyes and
could again clearly see!!

He wished he could fly

so he could reach

out and join them. 

He now knew

it was time to shed

his fears and be free!

His spirit was returned

by a thousand swan voices.

His troubles carried away on

their massive white wings.

He smiled as his world

began to open up before him.

And as his father once

told him... "You never know

where life will take you.

So keep your eyes open and

be ready for it to change!!"

The End

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