Tuesday, December 29, 2020

"This Year"


"This Year"
Greg Budig 2020

Every year is a constant

change of usually 

nothing much at all. 

We get older, gain a 

few more pounds,

get a little grayer 

around the ears.

Life goes on. 

We make resolutions 

we never keep, but 

at least we sometimes 

 try. Always looking to 

change our lives as we

steadily move through life

Like high thin clouds 

on a summer day. 

But the clouds grew 

thick and black this 

year in unsettled 

and violent ways. 

The world lived in the

shadows of a quick 

and deadly fog. We hid 

from the outside world. 

The fabric of our daily 

lives was ripped from 

beneath our clumsy feet. 

We became prisoners 

and enemies in an 

unseen war that had 

festered deep in this 

country for years. 

In the midst of all this anguish,

I lost my one true love.

It seemed everyone 

was losing hope in this 

dark and hateful year.  

I closed my eyes the best 

I could and finally 

learned how to cry.

Days and weeks 

blurred into months 

of hiding from the 

constant rage. 

Angry politicians 

scorned each other.

Divided we all fell. 

Truth became a martyr. 

November came as 

anticipated. Little red

stickers popped up on 

our lapels. There were

winners and deniers, 

my faith was destroyed,

as my mother sadly 

faded from this earth. 

It seems we all have 

lost so much, it's hard 

to assess all the pain. 

It is said we're never 

given more than we 

can handle, but I don't 

know how much of 

that is really true. 

As we raise our glasses 

to all we've lost this 

year,we soon realize 

how full our glasses 

have become. 

Let us say a toast 

to a better world and 

raise a glass for a 

Happy New Year. 

The End 

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

"Crimson and White"


"Crimson and White"
Greg Budig 2020

Warm lights cast 

across the evergreen 

and ivy.  Strung up by 

the fireplace mantle 

and across the plaster 

arched doorway. Colors 

of red and green abound

throughout the house. 

Fragments of color 

are like pieces of my 

memory.  Seeing them 

remind me of when 

life was truly wonderful. 

Before the days of 

darkness came, before 

you slipped away. 

The yellow glow inside 

the red lantern that sits 

high upon the shelf. 

The sparkling gold of 

ornaments that hang 

so fragile on the tree.

Shimmering in red, 

blue and green. 

The stockings that 

were hung each year 

around the chimney 

and along the mantle. 

Always filled with 

Christmas cheer. 

Mementos in 

crimson and white. 

Bits and pieces of 

scattered dreams.

Tucked so neatly 

around the house.

Decorations are only 

objects and will soon 

be packed away. 

But memories will 

always shine on. 

The End 

Saturday, December 12, 2020

"Remembering Christmas "


"Remembering Christmas"
Greg Budig 2020

The heart can only 

take so much before 

it becomes empty 

and can feel no more. 

But something should 

be said of treasured 

memories that rise 

up and heal what 

has been broken. 

The tree that sits in 

the corner. Adorned 

with lights and tinsel. 

Collected ornaments 

that have been shared 

through time with 

love and compassion. 

Memories of how 

much you are loved. 

Celebrating your first 

Christmas.  Purchased 

with only you in mind. 

Sparkling in the silent 

darkness and reflecting 

in the soft warm glow. 

High above the star 

gleams with the very 

light that is Christmas. 

The tree skirt made 

by your loving hands.

Covered year after year 

with ribboned packages 

that you picked for each 

child.  Making sure that 

everyone was remembered.

Making sure that all 

their wishes came true. 

Memories and traditions 

cannot be forgotten. 

The village on the fireplace 

mantle.  The stockings 

hung by the windows 

nearby.  The garland 

of lights and evergreen. 

Filling the room with 

their constant glow. 

This is what fills the 

empty heart.  Ornaments 

brimming with the 

memories of life. 

The living room 

ablaze in color and

 light. Candles burning 

against the darkness and  

cold. Remembering 

Christmas again. 

The End 

Thursday, December 10, 2020

"One Beautiful Moment"

 "One Beautiful Moment"

Greg Budig 2020 

The choral voices 

become part of the 

cathedral.  Dissolving 

into a singular holy sound. 

"Still, Still, Still" echoes 

through my fragile memory. 

A melody so sacred and pure. 

German voices translated,

yet the message remains. 

Voices assembled in 

the pursuit of glory. 

A sound so regal brings 

the composition to life. 

Angelic choirs uplift 

the weary soul of a 

wounded nation. 

"Gloria…  Gloria 

 in excelsis Deo!"

So many times we find

comfort in the joining 

of  human voices.  

Even though we may 

not see the saviour, or 

accept the idea of god,

we can still hear the 

herald angels sing.

Traditions of singing 

songs of enlightenment.

Raising our voices to 

the miraculous birth. 

Becoming more for 

one beautiful moment. 

Becoming a people who 

want peace on earth,

goodwill to all.

The End

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

"Santa Was Near "

"Santa Was Near!"

(A Story for Christmas)

Greg Budig 2016

There was silence in the air 

as the snow circled down,

it gently fell from

the darkness above.

 And there was magic on

this night, though my mom 

couldn't tell, because I knew

that Santa was near!

We had bundled ourselves 

in warm coats and wool 

hats, soft mittens and 

long stretchy scarves. 

"Let's go off to find Santa!"

she said with a wink,

"Let's go out for a 

walk in the snow!"

My shiny black boots

crunched deep in pure 

white as we walked down 

the block from our home.

The air seemed to glow from

the lights and the snow,

I could tell that 

Santa was near!

"Now isn't that strange?" 

my mom said as we came 

near the house of our

neighbor named Joe.

He had kept his house dark

since his wife passed away,

but now it shimmered 

and glowed.

"My family is coming!"

he exclaimed smiling bright,

"They're all spending their

Christmas with me!!"

As he talked to my mom, 

I saw a tear in his eye,

did he know that 

Santa was near?

As the snow tumbled 

down on our tree 

covered street,we walked

hand in hand further on. 

"Still looking for Santa?"

I asked looking up, 

she smiled, squeezed 

my hand and said "Sure."

Let's go to the park, 

maybe Santa is there."

 she said as we reached the

next block. I thought I saw

footprints in the snow 

near the trees, could it 

be that Santa was there? 

The trees in the park stood

straight, tall and black.

Their branches were 

arched, curled and thin.

On a lonely park bench sat 

a small tattered woman.

She had bags made of 

cloth by her feet. 

Beneath the glow of the park

light, my mom held her hand,

then she pointed to our

church down the street. 

The lady smiled and said

"Thank you!" in a soft

trembling voice, 

maybe mom told her 

Santa was there.

So I looked to the sky to 

see reindeer and sleigh, 

I listened to hear silver bells.

But I heard and saw nothing

as we walked through the

park,  I felt the snow 

gently melt on my face.

This night seemed so magic, 

I had seen all the signs,

I thought I knew what

Christmas should be. 

But as we turned to walk 

home, I started to doubt. 

I began to wonder if 

Santa was near.

The church near the park

glowed with light from 

within, the tattered lady

stood alone by its doors.

There was music inside 

as the doors opened

wide, she walked in from 

the cold and found warmth.

As we walked passed Joe's

house we heard

laughter and cheer,

we saw his family 

with gifts at the door.

Joe let them all in and 

then yelled with a grin,

"Hurry home now 

for Santa is Near!!"

But how could that be? 

I had searched through the

night, I had walked for an

hour through the snow.

I had looked to the sky, 

I had listened for bells.

Was there something 

that I didn't know?

Then I remembered old Joe

and the smile on his face,

 the lost lady who found

warmth from the cold.

They found the magic of

Christmas hadn't come 

from a bag that was carried

here from the North Pole.

I'd been searching for Santa,

 I had looked all around,

but I think I found 

something more clear.

I found the magic of

Christmas lives deep

 in our hearts. I found that

Santa was already here!

The End